Freelance Creative Services
Technical and creative assistance at your request. In 2019, I began to look for more creative possibilities and was presented with opportunities to work on some freelance projects. It started with simply volunteering to create a WordPress site for my husband’s band, then opportunities to…
iMotion – Marketing & Leads Manager
As the Marketing & Leads Manager at iMotion / Motion Express I am responsible for designing and developing all marketing content for both companies. Since 2015, I have created new product brochures, coded websites and began social media and email marketing campaigns. My knowledge and…
Life Brokerage Network – Case Manager
The perfect position to hone project management skills, enhance customer relations and clearly, but compassionately, communicate. The life insurance industry is very fast paced and emotional. All applicants feel that they are worthy of the best premiums and the highest payouts, but instead they are…
Relax & Release – Owner
A positively peaceful experience. As owner of Relax and Release I provided stress reduction services through various modalities, such as biofeedback, reflexology, detox foot baths, Reiki and guided imagery. Originally, I became a Certified Biofeedback Specialist in 2005 with my focus on helping people with…
Ingenix (Now Optum) – Manager / Team Lead of Website Development
Managed an amazing team of website magicians. Ingenix (now Optum) was a subsidiary of United Healthcare that acquired GeoAccess in 2002. I began working with GeoAccess in 1998 as a Website Developer. By 2000, I had been promoted to Team Lead / Manager of a…
GeoAccess (Purchased by Ingenix) – Website Developer
Pioneer in Providing Direction to the Best in Healthcare. In 1994, a small group started GeoAccess and worked diligently to develop the original geocoding and maps to assist consumers in finding the nearest doctor in their healthcare network. It was a privilege to be offered…