Relax & Release – Owner

A positively peaceful experience.

As owner of Relax and Release I provided stress reduction services through various modalities, such as biofeedback, reflexology, detox foot baths, Reiki and guided imagery. Originally, I became a Certified Biofeedback Specialist in 2005 with my focus on helping people with chronic pain. It was a new technology and required computer savvy, so it was a natural fit with my IT background.

“Delving deeply into alternative methods of wellness has changed me for the better and will always be a part of my life.”

As I began to take continuing education classes with people of so many varying backgrounds, I learned about many other valuable alternative health modalities. Each year my knowledge grew through classes, seminars and conversations with other practitioners. Within a couple years, also became certified in both Reiki and reflexology.

Timing is Everything

Unfortunately, after moving away from my original clientele base in Kansas, the recession came. I did my best to build my business in Colorado, and was able to create a nice base, but had difficulty creating the profitable business I needed to financially assist my family.  I finally closed the business in December 2013. Over the 8 years of owning my business I found trusted mentors, created valuable business relationships, made lifelong friends and gained knowledge that supports me every day.

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